Past Events

Fall 2018

Feeling Rules, Media Ethics, and the Moral Foundation Dictionary

Dr. Sven Joeckel (University of Erfurt, Germany) & Dr. Leyla Dogruel (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany), September 19, 2018

BYOD! Should We Really Ask New College Grads and Employees to Bring their Own Devices to Work?

Dr. Keri K. Stephens (University of Texas at Austin), September 25, 2018 [Video]

Is Incivility Ever Ethical?

Dr. Gina Masullo Chen (University of Texas at Austin), October 16, 2018 [Video]

Ethics in Public Relations

Kathleen Lucente (Red Fan Communications), October 30, 2018 [Video]

Journalism Ethics amid Irrational Publics: Disrupt and Redesign

Dr. Stephen J. A. Ward (University of British Columbia), November 5, 2018 [Video]

Spring 2018

The Preference for Idealized Imagery in the Media and Detrimental Self-Perceptions Among Women – When does it Begin?

Dr. Kate Pounders, University of Texas at Austin, February 6, 2018 [Video]

Engaging Newsrooms in the Digital Age

Dr. Talia Stroud, University of Texas at Austin, February 22, 2018 [Video]

The Real Ethics of Fake News

Dr. Scott R. Stroud, University of Texas at Austin, February 27, 2018 [Video]

Hacking Big Data: Discovering Vulnerabilities in a Sociotechnical Society

Dr. danah boyd, Microsoft Research / Data & Society, March 6, 2018 [Video]

How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse

Dr. David Gunkel, Northern Illinois University, April 3, 2018 [Video]

The Ethics of Virtual Reality

Dr. Donald Heider, Loyola University Chicago, April 10, 2018 [Video]

Media Criticism in Turbulent Times: A Panel Discussion

Dr. Rod Hart, Dr. Trish Roberts-Miller, Dr. Barry Brummett, Dr. Michael Butterworth, Dr. Scott Stroud, April 25 (Wednesday), 3:30-4:30PM, BMC 5.208 [Video]

Fall 2017

Can We Shop Our Way to a Better Planet? The Promises and Pitfalls of Green Consumption

Dr. Lucy Atkinson, University of Texas at Austin, September 21, 2017 [Video]

Anthems and Activism: Mediating the Politics of the NFL

Dr. Michael L. Butterworth, University of Texas at Austin, October 11, 2017 [Video]

Media Psychology’s Explanation for Why You love Stories: A Morally Ambiguous Resolution

Dr. Robert Lewis, University of Texas at Austin, October 19, 2017 [Video]

Are New Media Technologies Good for Education and Democracy?

Dr. Gregory Pappas, Texas A&M University, October 26, 2017 [Video]

The Dark Side of Social Media: A Panel Discussion

Dr. Angeline Close Scheinbaum, Allye Doorey, Dr. Gary Wilcox, Dr. Scott R. Stroud, Jonathan Henson, University of Texas at Austin, November 6, 2017 [Video]

Ethics and the Appeal to Scientific Consensus in the Climate Change Debates

Dr. Jean Goodwin, North Carolina State University, November 14, 2017 [Video]

Spring 2017

Who Speaks for Ambedkar? The Debate over Navayana’s Edition of Annihilation of Caste and the Buddhist Teaching of Right Speech

Dr. Christopher Queen, Harvard University, January 24, 2017

American Journalism’s Ideology: The Question of Bias in the Media

Dr. Robert Jensen, University of Texas at Austin, January 31, 2017

We’re All Gatekeepers Now: Journalism Ethics for an Unfiltered Age

Dr. Mary Bock, University of Texas at Austin, February 16, 2017

Ethical Issues in the Fight Against Revenge Porn

Dr. Scott R. Stroud, University of Texas at Austin, March 21, 2017

Cosmopolitan Media Ethics and the Global Imaginary

Dr. Clifford Christians, University of Illinois, April 4, 2017

Moral Psychology and Media Practice: Keys to Ethical Behavior in News, Public Relations, & Advertising

Dr. Patrick Lee Plaisance, Colorado State University, April 10, 2017

Rhetorics of the Good Life: Social Ontology, Ethics, and Communication

Dr. Omedi Ochieng, Denison University, May 3, 2017

Fall 2016

Habitus, Doxa, and Ethics: Insights from Advertising in Emerging Markets in the Middle East and North Africa

Dr. Minette E. Drumwright, University of Texas at Austin, October 13, 2016

Trump, Clinton, and the Rhetorical Construction of Democracy in Campaign 2016

Dr. Martin J. Medhurst, Baylor University, November 2, 2016
