Idealized Images of Women in the Media

The Media Ethics Initiative Presents:

The Preference for Idealized Imagery in the Media and Detrimental Self-Perceptions Among Women – When does it Begin?

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Photo: Petr Kratochvil / CC0

Dr. Kate Pounders

Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations

University of Texas at Austin

February 6 (Tuesday) –  3:30-4:30PM

CMA 5.136

A large body of work has documented exposure to idealized and unattainable imagery in the media in the form of body size has a negative impact on young women. Previous research has primarily used social comparison as the theoretical framework to examine these effects. This talk will highlight a study that examined the impact of idealized imagery on both ad and self-outcomes with college women, as well as an ongoing study that examines these effects in girls 8-10 years old.
Dr. Kate Pounders is a consumer psychologist who investigates emotions, goals, and the self. Her research focuses on the role of emotion and identity in the contexts of communication strategy effectiveness and health communication. Dr. Pounders is especially interested in the role that emotion and gender identity play in understanding women’s reactions to persuasion strategy and health issues. Other areas of interest include motivation and information processing. She has published work in the Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Health Psychology, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Current Issues in Advertising, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Medical Internet Research, and the Journal of Communications in Healthcare. She is also a member of the Association for Consumer Research, the Academy of Marketing Science, and the American Academy of Advertising.

Free and open to the UT community and general public

For further information, contact Dr. Scott Stroud

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