The Center for Media Engagement and Media Ethics Initiative Present:
Feeling Rules, Media Ethics, and the Moral Foundation Dictionary
Dr. Sven Joeckel (University of Erfurt, Germany) & Dr. Leyla Dogruel (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)
September 19 (Wednesday) ¦ 2:00-3:30PM ¦ CMA 5.136 (LBJ Seminar Room)
What does psychology have to tell us about the impact of media on our emotions and moral judgments? Does media make us better moral agents? In this discussion, two visiting researchers from Germany will speak on how media shapes our “feeling rules” and the connection between moral values and political communication. Attention will also be given to how moral psychology can help us understand the ideological content of media texts.
Dr. Sven Joeckel is Professor for Communication with a focus on children, adolescents and the media at the University of Erfurt, Germany. He received a Ph.D. in communication from the University of Technology, Ilmenau (Germany). Since 2009, he has chaired the M.A. program in Children, Adolescents, and the Media at the University of Erfurt. His research interests are adolescents’ use of media, mobile privacy research as well as the relationship between media use and morality. Dr. Leyla Dogruel is Assistant Professor for Media Systems and Media Performance at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. In 2013, she received her Ph.D. from Freie Universität in Berlin, Germany. Her research interests include media innovation theory, online privacy, and media structures.
The Media Ethics Initiative is part of the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin. Follow MEI and CME on Facebook for more information. Media Ethics Initiative events are open and free to the public.