Clio Heslop is a Civic Science Fellow hosted by the Center for Media Engagement in partnership with the Fulbright US-UK Foundation and supported by a grant from the Rita Allen Foundation.
Clio is an experienced project manager and practitioner whose work focuses on bringing together professionals from business, research, policy, media, and nonprofit sectors to work on science engagement. Clio is on sabbatical from her role at the British Science Association, where she worked on strategy including partnerships, audience research, program design, and organizational development relating to equality, diversity, and inclusion. She led the BSA’s research into the UK science engagement landscape including diversity, motivations, and working patterns of science engagement professionals. As part of this, she created and coordinated a network of organizations working on equality, diversity, and inclusion in science engagement, and has developed and tested science engagement formats that connect researchers with diverse public groups.
Clio also manages the long-running Media Fellowship Scheme, works with organizations to implement findings from the BSA’s audience research, and coordinates the annual Huxley Summit science-in-society thought leadership event.
Previously, Clio held roles leading researcher training at Springer Nature and managing science policy events and communications at University College London.