Additional Resources

Forbes  Elections: Covering Low-Income Voters As Multifaceted, Whole People October 3, 2024
Reckon Your reposts won’t topple the patriarchy. Here’s how to actually support feminist movements, experts say March 8, 2024
Storyburgh The Pittsburgh Convos: Episode 12 with Anita Varma January 5, 2024
Akademie From “unbiased silence” to real support  September 11, 2023
The Fix Solidarity journalism: What it is and how to do it  April 28, 2023
Poynter It’s our year-end roundup of interviews worth your time  December 14, 2022
Resolve Philly The Interview Transparency Process Factsheet  November 14, 2022
Toronto Metropolitan University J-School panel part of Social Justice Week 2022  October 11, 2022
MCERC The Three Pillars of Solidarity Journalism and Why It Is So Important  September 20, 2022
Poynter What solidarity journalism is and is not may surprise you  May 11, 2022
Broken TetriX Anita Varma: Towards a more accurate reporting  December 28, 2021
Reynolds Journalism Institute A new guide to solidarity reporting  December 7, 2021
Center for Media Engagement ‘Is this really journalism?’ Journalism and advocacy  November 18, 2021
Line of Sight Solidarity Journalism with Anita Varma  June 16, 2021
Reynolds Journalism Institute Solidarity reporting moves away from elites and to people subjected  June 7, 2021
International Communication Association Moral Solidarity as a News Value: Rendering Marginalized Communities & Social Injustice Newsworthy  May 27, 2021
Asian American Journalists Association Covering the Rise of Anti Asian American Racism: Solidarity Approaches to Reporting  April 9, 2021
Journalism in the Time of Crisis ‘Solidarity reporting’ urged as remedy for pandemic desensitization  October 22, 2020
The Tilt Michelle Obama Just Gave Us a Roadmap for Building Solidarity  August 19, 2020
RQ1 Evoking empathy or seeking solidarity: Which is preferable when covering people without homes?  August 4, 2020
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Media and the Pandemic When False Information Can Kill You  July 13, 2020
News in Context Ethically Navigating Major Ongoing News Stories: Part 2  July 16, 2020
News in Context Ethically Navigating Major Ongoing News Stories  July 9, 2020
Humanitarian News Research Network Q&A With Anita Varma About Journalism That Builds Solidarity  June 15, 2020 
Media Diversity Institute Should Journalists Blur the Faces of #BlackLivesMatter Protestors?  June 4, 2020 
CNN ‘It’s OK to not be OK right now.’ A month of grief, worry and frustration.  April 18, 2020 
Santa Clara University How Media Participate in Defining Social Problems  February 18, 2020 
Psychology Today The Dilemma of Empathy and the News  May 9, 2019 
San Francisco Public Press Brainstorming the Future to Help Resolve Homelessness  October 23, 2017