Fact-Checking in the Age of AI: Reducing Biases with Non-Human Information Sources
Technology in Society
The challenge of identifying behavioral goals for communication in the context of basic science
Journal of Science Communication
Science Communication Spaces as “Pockets of Belonging”: Inviting in a Plurality of Science Identities…
Science Communication
The State of Science Reporting in Today’s Digital Media Landscape: A Survey of Journalists…
Center for Media Engagement
Artificial Intelligence in Influencer Marketing: A Mixed-Method Comparison of Human and Virtual Influencers on…
Journal of Interactive Advertising, 1–20
The Landscape of Art-Science Collaboration Programs
Center for Media Engagement
Race-evasive ideology in U.S.-based science communication fellowship director discourse
JCOM 23(01), A06
The effect of monitoring complexity on stakeholder acceptance of CO2 geological storage projects in…
Frontiers in Marine Science
The Planned Risk Information Seeking Model Applied to Vaccine Information Avoidance and the Role…
Health Communication
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Cameroon: The Role of Medical Mistrust and Social Media Use
Journal of Health Communication
The Roles of Social Media Use and Medical Mistrust in Black Americans’ COVID-19 Vaccine…
Health Communication
The State of Science Reporting in Today’s Digital Media Landscape: Interviews With Scientists Who…
Center for Media Engagement
A Google Trends Analysis of Interest in Nonbinary Identities
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Interactive Health Messages Work Better for Those Who Feel Less in Control: The Role…
Journal of Health Communication
A View From the Trenches: Interviews With Journalists About Reporting Science News
Science Communication
The form and function of U.S.-based science communication fellowship programs: interviews with program directors
International Journal of Science Education
STEM Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Science Communication and their Sense of Belonging in these…
Center for Media Engagement
When Experts Offer Conflicting Information: A Study of Perceived Ambiguity, Information Insufficiency, Trustworthiness and…
Health Communication
Housing-based Inequities in Microbial Exposure and Respiratory Infection Risk
The Bridge
Strategic Science Communication: A Guide to Setting the Right Objectives for More Effective Public…
Johns Hopkins University Press
Strategic communication as planned behavior for science and risk communication: A theory-based approach to…
Risk Analysis
Psychological distance, risk perception, and affect: Texas residents’ support for carbon capture and storage
Journal of Risk Research
Framing climate change mitigation technology: The impact of risk versus benefit messaging on support…
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Science communication fellowship programs as gatekeepers
Public Understanding of Science
The State of Science Reporting in Today’s Digital Media Landscape: Interviews with Journalists Who…
Center for Media Engagement
Avoiding Covid-19 risk information in the United States: The role of attitudes, norms, affect,…
Risk Analysis
Understanding high-achieving publicly engaged scientists' commitment to engage: push, pull, and drag forces
Exploring low-income African American and Latinx caregiver perspectives on asthma control in their children…
Journal of Asthma
US American Scholars Are Finding Paths to Engagement through their Research Institutes and Centers
Public Communication of Research Universities
Perceived Successfulness of Public Engagement at Research Institutes
Public Communication of Research Universities
Nanoscientists’ perceptions of serving as ethical leaders within their organization: Implications from ethical leadership…
Journal of Responsible Innovation
Effect of Context on Scientists’ Normative Beliefs
Science Communication, 44(1), 86–107
Risk perception, affect, and information avoidance during the 2016 U.S. Presidential election
Journal of Risk Research
Comparing the Literature of Science, Risk, and Environmental Communication
The Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication
The Impact of Emotion and Government Trust on Individuals’ Risk Information Seeking and Avoidance…
Journal of Health Communication
Examining the perceived value of a prestigious science engagement award: views of applicants, finalists,…
International Journal of Science Education, Part B
Landscape of the UK Science Engagement Training Community
Center for Media Engagement
Promoting support for community water fluoridation: Testing message effects and the role of normative…
The Journal of the American Dental Association
“Doing Good” versus “Being Good”: The interplay between pride appeals and regulatory-focused messages in…
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Communicating Science Across Political Divides
Center for Media Engagement
Building Connective Democracy: Interdisciplinary Solutions to the Problem of Polarisation
The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism
American Scientists’ Willingness to Use Different Communication Tactics
Science Communication
U.S. Political Partisanship and COVID-19: Risk Information Seeking and Prevention Behaviors, Health Communication
Health Communication
Social media conversations about community water fluoridation: formative research to guide health communication
Journal of Public Health Dentistry
The Moderating Role of Emotion: The Combinatory Effects of Positive Emotion and News Framing…
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
Person, Place, or Thing: Individual, Community, and Risk Information Seeking
Science Communication
Online bandwagon effects: Quantitative versus qualitative cues in online comments sections
New Media & Society
Science Communication Training in North America: Preparing Whom to Do What With What Effect?
Science Communication
Effects of COVID-19 Misinformation on Information Seeking, Avoidance, and Processing: A Multicountry Comparative Study
Science Communication
Exploring scholars’ public engagement goals in Canada and the United States
Public Understanding of Science
Contribution of Training to Scientists’ Public Engagement Intentions: A Test of Indirect Relationships Using…
Science Communication
Public communication by research institutes compared across countries and sciences: Building capacity for engagement…
PLoS ONE 15(7): e0235191
Strengthening Science Engagement Fellowships through New Connections and Inclusion
Rita Allen Foundation
Outbreak! Socio-cognitive motivators of risk information sharing during the 2018 South Korean MERS-CoV epidemic
Journal of Risk Research
The Differential Effects of Knowledge on Perceptions of Genetically Modified Food Safety
International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 32(1), 111-131
Race/Ethnic Variations in Predictors of Health Consciousness within the Cancer Prevention Context
American Journal of Health Promotion
Designing and implementing an educational social media campaign to increase HPV vaccine awareness among…
American Journal of Health Education, 1-11
Understanding Public Support for Carbon Capture and Storage: The Roles of Social Capital, Stakeholder…
Energy Policy, 139, 111312
Race/Ethnic Variations in Predictors of Health Consciousness within the Cancer Prevention Context
American Journal of Health Promotion, 0890117120904000
Avoiding trouble: Exploring environmental risk information avoidance intentions
Environment and Behavior, 52, 187-218
Environmental Risk (and Benefit) Information Seeking Intentions: The Case of Carbon Capture and Storage…
Environmental Communication, 1-18
Strategic science communication as planned behavior: Understanding scientists’ willingness to choose specific tactics
PloS one, 14(10)
Public perceptions of who counts as a scientist for controversial science
Public Understanding of Science, 28(7), 797–811
Fearful Conservatives, Angry Liberals: Information Processing Related to the 2016 Presidential Election and Climate…
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96, 742-766
Research Shows How to Advance Public Understanding of Science
Rita Allen Foundation
Scientists, trainers, and the strategic communication of science
In T. Newman (Ed.), Theory and best practices in science communication training (pp. 9-31). Routledge
Effects of message objectivity and focus on green CSR communication: The strategy development for…
Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-21
Survey examines scientists’ attitudes toward public engagement
Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University
No regrets when it comes to health: Anticipated regret, informational subjective norms, information insufficiency…
Health Communication, 1-8
Public Perceptions and Information Seeking Intentions Related to Seismicity in Five Texas Communities
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 37, 101147
The ethics of nanotechnology: Pilot testing an evidence-based training module
Nano Ethics, 13, 37-52
Never easy to say “sorry”: Exploring the interplay of crisis involvement, brand image, and…
Public Relations Review
Scientific societies’ support for public engagement: an interview study
International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 9(2), 140-153
Planned Risk Information Avoidance: A Proposed Theoretical Model
Communication Theory, 29, 360-382
Portrayal and Impacts of Climate Change in Advertising and Consumer Campaigns
In M. C. Nisbet (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication. Oxford University Press
A comparison between scientists’ and communication scholars’ views about scientists’ public engagement activities
Public Understanding of Science. 28(1): 101-118
Never easy to say “sorry”: Exploring the interplay of crisis involvement, brand image, and…
Public Relations Review, 45(1), 178-188
Understanding scientists’ willingness to engage
Science Communication, 40(5), 559-590
Enduring Extremes? Polar Vortex, Drought, and Climate Change Beliefs
Environmental Communication, 12(7), 876-894
Risky Politics: Applying the Planned Risk Information Seeking Model to the 2016 U.S. Presidential…
Mass Communication and Society, 21, 697-719
Intensifying the burden: The implications of individual responsibility messages in black female-targeted HIV/AIDS public…
Sex Education, 18 (5), 571-586
Scientists’ views about communication objectives
Public Understanding of Science, 27(6), 708-730
Microbiologists’ public engagement views and behaviors
Journal of microbiology & biology education, 19(1)
Visual assertions: Effects of photo manipulation and dual processing for food advertisements
Visual Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 16-30
Entertainment Film and TV Portrayals of Climate Change and Their Societal Impacts
In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science