Robots, Algorithms, and Digital Ethics

Photo: Media Ethics Initiative

The Media Ethics Initiative Presents:

How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse

Dr. David J. Gunkel

Distinguished Teaching Professor ¦ Department of Communication
Northern Illinois University

April 3, 2018 ¦ Moody College of Communication ¦ University of Texas at Austin

Dr. David J. Gunkel is an award-winning educator, scholar and author, specializing in the study of information and communication technology with a focus on ethics. Formally educated in philosophy and media studies, his teaching and research synthesize the hype of high-technology with the rigor and insight of contemporary critical analysis. He is the author of over 50 scholarly journal articles and book chapters and has published 7 books, including The Machine Question: Critical Perspectives on AI, Robots, and Ethics (MIT Press), Of Remixology: Ethics and Aesthetics after Remix (MIT Press), Heidegger and the Media (Polity), and Robot Rights (MIT Press). He is the managing editor and co-founder of the International Journal of Žižek Studies and co-editor of the Indiana University Press series in Digital Game Studies. He currently holds the position of Professor in the Department of Communication at Northern Illinois University, and his teaching has been recognized with numerous awards.