tag - AI

Political Machines: Understanding the Role of AI i...

June 6, 2024

To better understand major trends and common concerns about the role of Generative AI in politics, the Center for Media Engagement conducted interviews with experts in the digital politics space....
Political Machines: Understanding the Role of AI in the U.S. 2024 Elections and Beyond

The Ethics of Amazon Alexa

August 29, 2023

On November 14, 2014 tech giant Amazon announced the newest voice assistant to hit the market. The voice assistant, commonly known as “Alexa,” was a primary feature of a new…...
The Ethics of Amazon Alexa

Love Yourself or Just Your Selfie?

May 8, 2023

While Instagram used to be a casual platform to share quick snapshots with friends, it has turned into a perfectly curated stream of highlight reels. Like many young people, 21-year-old…...
Love Yourself or Just Your Selfie?

The Ethics of AI Art

February 24, 2023

For thousands of years, art has been an endeavor of the human race. From Rembrandt to Basquiat, from the Benin Bronzes to the new wave cinema of Hong Kong, art…...
The Ethics of AI Art

The Ethics of DNA Predictive Technology in Law Enf...

December 5, 2022

What are the ethical tradeoffs of surveillance software in online education?...
The Ethics of DNA Predictive Technology in Law Enforcement

More than a Fashion Faux Pas?

August 25, 2022

Can inclusive advertising survive the heavy hand of Facebook's able-biased AI?...
More than a Fashion Faux Pas?

The Ethics of Computer-Generated Actors

February 13, 2019

What ethical concerns arise when filmmakers use CGI to resurrect dead actors?...
The Ethics of Computer-Generated Actors

Robots, Algorithms, and Digital Ethics

April 4, 2018

Dr. David Gunkel (NIU) discusses robot rights and digital ethics....
Robots, Algorithms, and Digital Ethics

Fake News, Fake Porn, and AI

March 29, 2018

What are the ethical issues involved in the use of AI in creating fake video content?...
Fake News, Fake Porn, and AI