Journalism Publications

Journalism Publications

“My body, my choice” versus “officials say” Examining the effects of solidarity and monitorial reporting

“My body, my choice” versus “officials say” Examining the effects of solidarity and monitorial…

Varma, A., Masullo, G., Limov, B., Graham, E., Kim, M. S., & Malik, K. K.

News Research Journal

Ethics, Engagement, and Echo Chambers: Exploring Frontiers of Digital Communication and Conversation in an Age of Artificial Intelligence

Ethics, Engagement, and Echo Chambers: Exploring Frontiers of Digital Communication and Conversation in an…

Masullo, G. M., Kalman, Y. M., Lewis, S. C.

Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

The Diffusion and Reach of (Mis)Information on Facebook During the U.S. 2020 Election

The Diffusion and Reach of (Mis)Information on Facebook During the U.S. 2020 Election

González-Bailón, S. et. al

Sociological Science

Who Can Say What? Testing the Impact of Interpersonal Mechanisms and Gender on Fairness Evaluations of Content Moderation

Who Can Say What? Testing the Impact of Interpersonal Mechanisms and Gender on Fairness…

Weber, I., Gonçalves, J., Masullo, G. M., Torres da Silva, M., & Hofhuis, J.

Social Media + Society, 10(4)

Comparing a BERT Classifier and a GPT classifier for Detecting Connective Language Across Multiple Social Media

Comparing a BERT Classifier and a GPT classifier for Detecting Connective Language Across Multiple…

Lukito, J., Chen, B., Masullo, G. M., and Stroud, N. J.

Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

“What Flipping Right Does a Teacher Have to Say Being [LGBTQ+] is Okay?”: Understanding Twitter Discourse Around U.S. Anti-LGBTQIA+ Legislation

“What Flipping Right Does a Teacher Have to Say Being [LGBTQ+] is Okay?”: Understanding…

Koo, G. H., Masullo, G. M., Orr, B., & Huang, E.

Howard Journal of Communications, 1–17

The Manifestation of Affective Polarization on Social Media: A Cross-Platform Supervised Machine Learning Approach

The Manifestation of Affective Polarization on Social Media: A Cross-Platform Supervised Machine Learning Approach

Overgaard, C. S. B., Lukito, J., & Soorholtz, K.

Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media

The effects of Facebook and Instagram on the 2020 election: A deactivation experiment

The effects of Facebook and Instagram on the 2020 election: A deactivation experiment

Allcott, Hunt, et al

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Journalist Identity and Selective Exposure: The Effects of Racial and Ethnic Diversity in News Staff

Journalist Identity and Selective Exposure: The Effects of Racial and Ethnic Diversity in News…

Van Duyn, E., Jennings, J., & Stroud, N. J.

Mass Communication and Society, 1–27

Perceiving Affective Polarization in the United States: How Social Media Shape Meta-Perceptions and Affective Polarization

Perceiving Affective Polarization in the United States: How Social Media Shape Meta-Perceptions and Affective…

Overgaard, C. S. B.

Social Media + Society, 10(1)

Conceptualizing feminist solidarity through resistance in the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement

Conceptualizing feminist solidarity through resistance in the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement

Varma, A. and Shaban, S.

Communication, Culture and Critique

The impact of using person-centered language to reference stigmatized groups in news coverage

The impact of using person-centered language to reference stigmatized groups in news coverage

Murray, C., Varma, A., & Stroud, N. J.


Introduction to the Minitrack on Mediated Conversation

Introduction to the Minitrack on Mediated Conversation

Masullo, G., Kalman, Y. & Lewis, S.

Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Deciding to Delete Posts on Reddit: What Factors Influence Content Removal

Deciding to Delete Posts on Reddit: What Factors Influence Content Removal

Vargo, C., Masullo, G., & Hopp, T.

Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Missed opportunities: Discursively dismantling hyper-wokeness of the sitcom Community.

Missed opportunities: Discursively dismantling hyper-wokeness of the sitcom Community.

Masullo, G., Campbell, C. (Ed.)

Race, Representation, and Satire (book)

Shells, Fronts, Astroturfing, and Beyond: Examining Concealment Strategies of Proxy Organizations

Shells, Fronts, Astroturfing, and Beyond: Examining Concealment Strategies of Proxy Organizations

Scott, C. R. & Kang, K. K.

Management Communication Quarterly

GuesSync!: An Online Casual Game To Reduce Affective Polarization

GuesSync!: An Online Casual Game To Reduce Affective Polarization

Rajadesingan, A., Choo, D., Zhang, J., Inakage, M., Budak, C., & Resnick, P.

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 7, Issue CSCW2

“They Always Get Our Story Wrong”: Addressing Social Justice Activists’ News Distrust Through Solidarity Reporting

“They Always Get Our Story Wrong”: Addressing Social Justice Activists’ News Distrust Through Solidarity…

Varma, A., Limov, B., & Cabas-Mijares, A.

Media and Communication, 11(4)

Shifting the protest paradigm? Legitimizing and humanizing protest coverage lead to more positive attitudes toward protest, mixed results on news credibility

Shifting the protest paradigm? Legitimizing and humanizing protest coverage lead to more positive attitudes…

Masullo, G. M., Brown, D. K., & Harlow, S.


How do social media feed algorithms affect attitudes and behavior in an election campaign?

How do social media feed algorithms affect attitudes and behavior in an election campaign?

Guess, A. M. et al.

Science 381, 398-404

Asymmetric ideological segregation in exposure to political news on Facebook

Asymmetric ideological segregation in exposure to political news on Facebook

González-Bailón, S. et al.

Science 381, 392-398

Reshares on social media amplify political news but do not detectably affect beliefs or opinions

Reshares on social media amplify political news but do not detectably affect beliefs or…

Guess, A. M. et al.

Science 381, 404-408

Like-minded sources on Facebook are prevalent but not polarizing

Like-minded sources on Facebook are prevalent but not polarizing

Nyhan, B., Settle, J., Thorson, E. et al.


Curbing the decline of local news by building relationships with the audience

Curbing the decline of local news by building relationships with the audience

Stroud, N. J. & Van Duyn, E.

Journal of Communication

A new solution to political divisiveness: Priming a sense of common humanity through Facebook meme-like posts

A new solution to political divisiveness: Priming a sense of common humanity through Facebook…

Masullo, G. M.

New Media & Society

Attacks Against Journalists in Brazil: Catalyzing Effects and Resilience During Jair Bolsonaro’s Government

Attacks Against Journalists in Brazil: Catalyzing Effects and Resilience During Jair Bolsonaro’s Government

Ozawa, J. V. S., Lukito, J., Lee, T., Varma, A., & Alves, R.
July, 2023

The International Journal of Press/Politics

Partisan Memes as a Catalyst for Homophilous Networks

Partisan Memes as a Catalyst for Homophilous Networks

Kim, Y., Collier, J. R., Murray, C., & Stroud, N. J.

Political Communication

In different worlds: The contributions of polarization and platforms to partisan (mis)perceptions

In different worlds: The contributions of polarization and platforms to partisan (mis)perceptions

Overgaard, C. S. B., & Collier, J. R.

New Media & Society

Using Facebook Messenger versus Groups for News Engagement

Using Facebook Messenger versus Groups for News Engagement

Murray, C., Riedl, M. J., & Stroud, N. J.

Digital Journalism

Solidarity Reporting on Marginalization: A Grounded Alternative to Monitorial Reporting’s Emphasis on Officials

Solidarity Reporting on Marginalization: A Grounded Alternative to Monitorial Reporting’s Emphasis on Officials

Varma, A.

Journalism Practice

User comments as news quality: Examining incivility in comments on perceptions of news quality

User comments as news quality: Examining incivility in comments on perceptions of news quality

Lu, S., Liang, H., & Masullo, G. M.

News Quality in a Digital Age

As Mediated Conversation Expands and Diversifies, so do Anti-Social Risks

As Mediated Conversation Expands and Diversifies, so do Anti-Social Risks

Lewis, S. C., Kalam, Y. M. & Masullo, G. M.

Proceedings of the Digital and Social Media track of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 56

What Social Media Could Be: Normative Frameworks for Evaluating Digital Public Spaces

What Social Media Could Be: Normative Frameworks for Evaluating Digital Public Spaces

Masullo, G. M., Wilner, T., Stroud, N. J.

Social Media + Society

Selective Avoidance: Understanding How Position and Proportion of Online Incivility Influence News Engagement

Selective Avoidance: Understanding How Position and Proportion of Online Incivility Influence News Engagement

Lu, S., Liang, H., Masullo, G. M.

Communication Research

Fake news by any other name: phrases for false content and effects on public perceptions of U.S. news media

Fake news by any other name: phrases for false content and effects on public…

Collier, J. R., Van Duyn, E.

Journal of Applied Communication Research

Signaling news outlet trust in a Google Knowledge Panel: A conjoint experiment in Brazil, Germany, and the United States

Signaling news outlet trust in a Google Knowledge Panel: A conjoint experiment in Brazil,…

Masullo, G. M., Wilhelm, C., Lee, T., Gonçalves, J., Riedl, M. J., Stroud, N. J.

New Media & Society

Theorizing Connective Democracy: A New Way to Bridge Political Divides

Theorizing Connective Democracy: A New Way to Bridge Political Divides

Staal Bruun Overgaard, C., Masullo, G. M., Duchovnay, M., & Moore, C.

Mass Communication and Society

Journalism and Jim Crow: White Supremacy and the Black Struggle for a New America

Journalism and Jim Crow: White Supremacy and the Black Struggle for a New America

Masullo, G. M.

Newspaper Research Journal

Extending the Spiral of Silence: Theorizing a Typology of Political Self-Silencing

Extending the Spiral of Silence: Theorizing a Typology of Political Self-Silencing

Masullo, G. M., and Duchovnay, M.

Communication Studies

Indexing theory during an emerging health crisis: how U.S. TV news indexed elite perspectives and amplified COVID-19 misinformation

Indexing theory during an emerging health crisis: how U.S. TV news indexed elite perspectives…

Muddiman, A., Budak, C., Murray, C., Kim, Y., & Stroud, N. J.

Annals of the International Communication Association

Facebook reactions as heuristics: Exploring relationships between reactions and commenting frequency on news about COVID-19

Facebook reactions as heuristics: Exploring relationships between reactions and commenting frequency on news about…

Masullo, G. M.

First Monday

Who Do You Think Wrote It?: Stakeholder Tensions in a Case of Anonymous Organizational Whistleblowing

Who Do You Think Wrote It?: Stakeholder Tensions in a Case of Anonymous Organizational…

Richardson, Brian K., Scott, Craig R.

Western Journal of Communication

Passive learning and incidental exposure to news

Passive learning and incidental exposure to news

Stroud, N. J., Scacco, J. M., Kim Y.

Journal of Communication

Moral solidarity as a news value: Rendering marginalized communities and enduring social injustice newsworthy

Moral solidarity as a news value: Rendering marginalized communities and enduring social injustice newsworthy

Varma, A.


Conservative News Audiences A Lack of Media Trust and How They Think Journalism Can Improve

Conservative News Audiences A Lack of Media Trust and How They Think Journalism Can…

Collier, J. R., Masullo, G. M., & Duchovnay, M.

The Future of the Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy: After Trump

Effects of a high-person-centered response to commenters who disagree on readers’ positive attitudes toward a news outlet’s Facebook page

Effects of a high-person-centered response to commenters who disagree on readers’ positive attitudes toward…

Masullo, G. M., Ziegele, M., Riedl, M. J., Jost, P., & Naab, T. K.

Digital Journalism

Online political comments: Americans talk about the election through a “horse-race” lens

Online political comments: Americans talk about the election through a “horse-race” lens

Masullo, G. M., Shermak, J., Riedl, M. J., Brown, J., & Tenenboim, O.

Proceedings of the Digital and Social Media track of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences [HICSS]

Negotiating sociomateriality and commensurability: Human and algorithmic editorial judgment at social media platforms

Negotiating sociomateriality and commensurability: Human and algorithmic editorial judgment at social media platforms

Riedl, M. J.

Journalism Studies

Signaling news outlet credibility in a Google search

Signaling news outlet credibility in a Google search

Masullo, G. M., Lee, T., & Riedl, M. J.

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly

“It’s just not the whole story”: Black perspectives of protest portrayals

“It’s just not the whole story”: Black perspectives of protest portrayals

Brown, D. K., Wilner, T., & Masullo, G. M.

Howard Journal of Communications

“Toxic atmosphere effect”: Uncivil online comments cue negative audience perceptions of news outlet credibility

“Toxic atmosphere effect”: Uncivil online comments cue negative audience perceptions of news outlet credibility

Masullo, G. M., Tenenboim, O., & Lu S.


Measure newsroom effectiveness differently

Measure newsroom effectiveness differently

Kim, Y. & Stroud, N. J.

Fixing American Politics

News engagement: The roles of technological affordance, emotion, and social endorsement

News engagement: The roles of technological affordance, emotion, and social endorsement

Park, S., Sang, Y., Jung, J., & Stroud, N. J.

Digital Journalism, 9:8, 1007-1017

Journalism as a profession of conditional permeability: A case study of boundaries in a participatory online news setting

Journalism as a profession of conditional permeability: A case study of boundaries in a…

Riedl, M. J.


Constructive journalism in the face of a crisis: The effects of social media news updates about COVID-19

Constructive journalism in the face of a crisis: The effects of social media news…

Staal Bruun Overgaard, C.

Journalism Studies

“To me, there’s always a bias”: Understanding the public’s folk theories about journalism

“To me, there’s always a bias”: Understanding the public’s folk theories about journalism

Wilner, T., Montiel Valle, D. A., & Masullo, G. M.

Journalism Studies

“Crisis coverage gap”: The divide between public interest and local news’ Facebook posts about COVID-19 in the United States

“Crisis coverage gap”: The divide between public interest and local news’ Facebook posts about…

Masullo, G. M., Jennings, J., & Stroud, N. J.

Digital Journalism

Pathways to deeper news engagement: Factors influencing click behaviors on news sites

Pathways to deeper news engagement: Factors influencing click behaviors on news sites

Collier, J. R., Dunaway, J., & Stroud, N. J.

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Volume 26, Issue 5, September 2021, Pages 265–283

Common sense or censorship: How algorithmic moderators and message type influence perceptions of online content deletion

Common sense or censorship: How algorithmic moderators and message type influence perceptions of online…

Gonçalves, J., Weber, I., Masullo, G. M., Torres da Silva, M., Hofhuis, J.

New Media & Society

Asymmetric adjustment: Partisanship and correcting misinformation on Facebook

Asymmetric adjustment: Partisanship and correcting misinformation on Facebook

Jennings, J. & Stroud, N. J.

New Media & Society

COVID-19 coverage by cable and broadcast networks

COVID-19 coverage by cable and broadcast networks

Budak, C., Muddiman, A., Kim, Y., Murray, C. C., & Stroud, N. J.

Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 15(1)

Who is responsible for interventions against problematic comments? Comparing user attitudes in Germany and the United States

Who is responsible for interventions against problematic comments? Comparing user attitudes in Germany and…

Riedl, M. J., Naab, T., Masullo, G. M., Jost, P., & Ziegele M.

Policy Internet, 13, 433– 451

Exploring the influence of comment tone and content in response to misinformation in social media news

Exploring the influence of comment tone and content in response to misinformation in social…

Kim, J., & Chen, G. M.

Journalism Practice, 15:4, 456-470

Building connective democracy: Interdisciplinary solutions to the problem of polarisation

Building connective democracy: Interdisciplinary solutions to the problem of polarisation

Staal Bruun Overgaard, C., Dudo, A., Lease, M., Masullo, G. M., Stroud, N. J., Stroud, S. R., & Woolley, S. C.

The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism

The effects of journalistic transparency on credibility assessments and engagement intentions

The effects of journalistic transparency on credibility assessments and engagement intentions

Curry, A., & Stroud, N. J.

Journalism, 2021;22(4):901-918

How news images affect clicking on subscription appeals

How news images affect clicking on subscription appeals

Collier, J., Kim, Y., & Stroud, N. J.

Journalism Practice, 15:4, 489-507

The effectiveness of gain and loss frames in news subscription appeals

The effectiveness of gain and loss frames in news subscription appeals

Yujin K., Collier. J., & Stroud N. J.

Digital Journalism, 9:3, 300-318

The story behind the story: Examining transparency about the journalistic process and news outlet credibility

The story behind the story: Examining transparency about the journalistic process and news outlet…

Masullo, G. M., Curry, A. L., Whipple, K. N. & Murray, C.

Journalism Practice (in press)

What’s in a label? The effect of news labels on perceived credibility

What’s in a label? The effect of news labels on perceived credibility

Peacock C., Masullo G. M., & Stroud, N. J.

Journalism (in press)

The effects of news site design on engagement and learning

The effects of news site design on engagement and learning

Stroud, N. J., Curry, A. L., & Peacock, C.

Journalism Practice (in press)

Exploring “angry” and “like” reactions on uncivil Facebook comments that correct misinformation in the news

Exploring “angry” and “like” reactions on uncivil Facebook comments that correct misinformation in the…

Masullo, G. M. & Kim, J.

Digital Journalism, 9:8, 1103-1122

Does online incivility cancel out the spiral of silence? A moderated mediation model of willingness to speak out

Does online incivility cancel out the spiral of silence? A moderated mediation model of…

Masullo, G. M., Lu, S., & Fadnis, D.

New Media & Society (in press)

Engagement moderation: What journalists should say to improve online discussions

Engagement moderation: What journalists should say to improve online discussions

Masullo, G. M., Riedl, M. J., & Huang, E. Q.

Journalism Practice (in press)

Predicting perceptions of incivility across 20 news comment sections

Predicting perceptions of incivility across 20 news comment sections

Van Duyn, E., & Muddiman, A.

Journalism (in press)

Dialectics of complexity: A five-country examination of lived experiences on social media

Dialectics of complexity: A five-country examination of lived experiences on social media

Masullo, G. M., Riedl, M. J., Tenenboim, O.

Social Media + Society, 6(4)

The new town hall: Why we engage personally with politicians

The new town hall: Why we engage personally with politicians

Masullo, G. M.


Politicians, social media, and digital publics: Old rights, new terrain

Politicians, social media, and digital publics: Old rights, new terrain

Sobieraj, S., Masullo, G. M., Cohen, P. N., Gillespie, T., & Jackson, S. J.

American Behavioral Scientist, 64(11), 1646-1669

‘You really have to have a thick skin’: A cross-cultural perspective on how online harassment influences female journalists

‘You really have to have a thick skin’: A cross-cultural perspective on how online…

Chen, G. M., Pain, P., Chen, V. Y., Mekelburg, M., Springer, N., & Troger, F.

Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 20(7), 877-895

The downsides of digital labor: Exploring the toll incivility takes on online comment moderators

The downsides of digital labor: Exploring the toll incivility takes on online comment moderators

Riedl, M. J., Masullo, G. M., & Whipple, K. N.

Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 1-9

The curiosity effect: Information seeking in the contemporary news environment

The curiosity effect: Information seeking in the contemporary news environment

Scacco, J. M., & Muddiman, A.

New Media & Society, 22(3), 429–448

Enacted journalism takes the stage: How audiences respond to reporting-based theater

Enacted journalism takes the stage: How audiences respond to reporting-based theater

Tenenboim, O., & Stroud, N. J.

Journalism Studies, 21(6), 713-730

The effects of mobile push notifications on news consumption and learning

The effects of mobile push notifications on news consumption and learning

Stroud, N. J., Peacock, C., & Curry, A.

Digital Journalism, 8(1), 32-48

Exploring how online political quizzes boost interest in politics, political news, and political engagement

Exploring how online political quizzes boost interest in politics, political news, and political engagement

Chen, G. M., Ng, Y. M. M., Riedl, M. J., & Chen, V. Y.

Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 17(1), 33-47

Shut down or turn off? The interplay between news overload and consumption

Shut down or turn off? The interplay between news overload and consumption

Chen, V. Y., & Chen, G. M.

Atlantic Journal of Communication, 28(2), 125-137

Can we talk about race? Exploring online comments about race-related shootings

Can we talk about race? Exploring online comments about race-related shootings

Chen, G. M., Fadnis, D., & Whipple, K. N.

Howard Journal of Communications, 31(1), 35-49

Social media engagement with strategy- and issue-framed political news

Social media engagement with strategy- and issue-framed political news

Stroud, N. J., & Muddiman, A.

Journal of Communication, 69(5), 443-466

The gender gap in online news comment sections

The gender gap in online news comment sections

Van Duyn, E., Peacock, C., & Stroud, N. J.

Social Science Computer Review. 2021;39(2):181-196

The deliberative influence of comment section structure

The deliberative influence of comment section structure

Peacock, C., Scacco, J. M., & Stroud, N. J.

Journalism, 20(6), 752–771

Breakdown of democratic norms? Understanding the 2016 US presidential election through online comments

Breakdown of democratic norms? Understanding the 2016 US presidential election through online comments

Chen, G. M., Riedl, M. J., Shermack, J. L., Brown, J., & Tenenboim, O.

Social Media + Society, 5 (2)

The president is in: Public opinion and the presidential use of Twitter

The president is in: Public opinion and the presidential use of Twitter

Pain, P., & Chen, G. M.

Social Media + Society, 5(2)

We should not get rid of incivility online

We should not get rid of incivility online

Chen, G. M., Muddiman, A., Wilner, T., Pariser, E., & Stroud, N. J.

Social Media + Society, 5(2)

The consequences of forced versus selected political media exposure

The consequences of forced versus selected political media exposure

Stroud, N. J., Feldman, L., Wojcieszak, M., & Bimber, B.

Human Communication Research, 45(1), 27–51

‘A chance for me to do good, make a real difference’: how citizen journalists in India view their role in social transformation

‘A chance for me to do good, make a real difference’: how citizen journalists…

Pain, P., & Chen, G. M.

Media Practice and Education, 20(4), 334-349

Using controlled and field experiments to create and test digital news quizzes

Using controlled and field experiments to create and test digital news quizzes

Scacco, J. M., & Muddiman, A.

SAGE Research Methods Cases

(Re)Claiming our expertise: Parsing large text corpora with manually validated and organic dictionaries

(Re)Claiming our expertise: Parsing large text corpora with manually validated and organic dictionaries

Muddiman, A., McGregor, S. C., & Stroud, N. J.

Political Communication, 36(2), 214-226

Twitter versus Facebook: Comparing incivility, impoliteness, and deliberative attributes

Twitter versus Facebook: Comparing incivility, impoliteness, and deliberative attributes

Oz, M., Zheng, P., & Chen, G. M.

New Media & Society, 20(9), 3400–3419

“Hashtag feminism”: Activism or slacktivism?

“Hashtag feminism”: Activism or slacktivism?

Chen G. M., Pain P., Barner B.

In: Harp D., Loke J., Bachmann I. (eds) Feminist Approaches to Media Theory and Research

Explaining media choice: The role of issue-specific engagement in predicting interest-based and partisan selectivity

Explaining media choice: The role of issue-specific engagement in predicting interest-based and partisan selectivity

Feldman, L., Wojcieszak, M., Stroud, N. J., & Bimber, B.

Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 62(1), 109-130

#NastyWomen: Reclaiming the twitterverse from misogyny

#NastyWomen: Reclaiming the twitterverse from misogyny

Masullo Chen G., Pain P., Zhang J.

In: Vickery J., Everbach T. (eds) Mediating Misogyny

Like, recommend, or respect? Altering political behavior in news comment sections

Like, recommend, or respect? Altering political behavior in news comment sections

Stroud, N. J., Muddiman, A., & Scacco, J. M.

New Media & Society, 19(11)

News values, cognitive biases, and partisan incivility in comment sections

News values, cognitive biases, and partisan incivility in comment sections

Muddiman, A., Stroud, N. J.

Journal of Communication, 67(4), 586‐609

Attention as a valuable resource

Attention as a valuable resource

Stroud, N. J.

Political Communication, 34(3), 479-489

Digital divisions: Organizational gatekeeping practices in the context of online news

Digital divisions: Organizational gatekeeping practices in the context of online news

Scacco, J. M., Curry, A., & Stroud, N. J.

#ISOJ, The Official Research Journal of the International Symposium on Online Journalism, 5(1), 106‐123

The influence of online quizzes on the acquisition of public affairs knowledge

The influence of online quizzes on the acquisition of public affairs knowledge

Scacco, J. M., Muddiman, A., Stroud, N. J.

Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 13(4), 311-325

The presence and use of interactive features on news websites

The presence and use of interactive features on news websites

Stroud, N. J., Scacco, J. M., Curry, A. L.

Digital Journalism, 4(3), 339-358

Partisan news and political participation: Exploring mediated relationships

Partisan news and political participation: Exploring mediated relationships

Wojcieszak, M., Bimber, B., Feldman, L., & Stroud, N. J.

Political Communication, 33(2), 241-260

Changing deliberative norms on news organizations' Facebook sites

Changing deliberative norms on news organizations' Facebook sites

Stroud, N. J., Scacco, J. M., Muddiman, A., Curry, A. L.

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20 (2), 188–203

Seeing media as out‐group members: An evaluation of bias perceptions

Seeing media as out‐group members: An evaluation of bias perceptions

Stroud, N. J., Muddiman, A., & Lee, J. K.

Journal of Communication, 64(5), 874‐894

Exposure to ideological news and perceived opinion climate: Testing the media effects component of spiral‐of‐silence in a fragmented media landscape

Exposure to ideological news and perceived opinion climate: Testing the media effects component of…

Tsfati, Y., Stroud, N. J., & Chotiner, A.

International Journal of Press/Politics, 19(1), 3‐23

Partisan paths to exposure diversity: Differences in pro‐ and counter‐ attitudinal news consumption

Partisan paths to exposure diversity: Differences in pro‐ and counter‐ attitudinal news consumption

Garrett, R. K., & Stroud, N. J.

Journal of Communication, 64(4), 680‐701

News media fragmentation, attribute agenda setting, and political beliefs about Iraq

News media fragmentation, attribute agenda setting, and political beliefs about Iraq

Muddiman, A., Stroud, N. J., & McCombs, M.

Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 58(2), 215‐233

Psychology of agenda‐setting effects: Mapping the paths of information processing

Psychology of agenda‐setting effects: Mapping the paths of information processing

McCombs, M., & Stroud, N. J.

Review of Communication Research, 2(1), 68‐93

The influence of President Obama's middle name on Middle Eastern and U.S. perceptions

The influence of President Obama's middle name on Middle Eastern and U.S. perceptions

Waismel‐Manor, I., & Stroud, N. J.

Political Behavior, 35(3), 621‐641

Assessing selective exposure in experiments: The implications of different methodological choices

Assessing selective exposure in experiments: The implications of different methodological choices

Feldman, L., Stroud, N. J., Bimber, B., & Wojcieszak, M.

Communication Methods & Measures, 7(3), 198‐220

Selective exposure, tolerance, and comedic news

Selective exposure, tolerance, and comedic news

Stroud, N. J., & Muddiman, A.

International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 25(3), 271‐290

Perceptions of cable news credibility

Perceptions of cable news credibility

Stroud, N. J., & Lee, J. K.

Mass Communication & Society, 16(1), 67‐88