News Engagement Workshop – Austin

Ten digital news innovators recently came together to visit about current practices and future possibilities at a workshop hosted by the Center for Media Engagement.

News Engagement Workshop – Princeton

In October, the Center for Media Engagement hosted its second News Engagement Workshop, bringing together 11 digital news innovators to discuss current practices and future possibilities.

News Tools Workshop

The Center for Media Engagement workshop -- the first to focus on news tools -- participants shared their experiences with using tools and brainstormed new tools to combat political polarization and get Millennials more involved in the news and politics.

Habitus, Doxa, and Ethics: Insights from Advertising in Emerging Markets in the Middle East and North Africa

Dr. Minette E. Drumwright (The University of Texas at Austin) // October 13th, 2016 // 3:30pm-4:30pm // Belo Center for New Media (BMC) 5.102 How do advertising practitioners in other cultures confront ethical issues? Building on research conducted with Sara Kamal, Professor Drumwright employs Bourdieu’s theory of practice to examine how the perceptions, practices, and […]

Trump, Clinton, and the Rhetorical Construction of Democracy in Campaign 2016

Dr. Martin J. Medhurst (Baylor University) // November 2nd, 2016 // 1:00pm-2:00pm // Jesse H. Jones Communication Center (CMA) 5.136 From their announcement speeches to the final debate, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have rhetorically constructed portraits of American democracy in their campaign rhetoric. What do those portraits look like? How are they constructed? What assumptions […]