Meet the Research Scholars: Kaitlyn Pena

KaitlynHeadshotKaitlyn Pena is a senior Public Relations major at the University of Texas at Austin. She became interested in digital ethics after taking Dr. Scott Stroud’s Digital Ethics course. She looks forward to writing case studies on emerging online ethical issues and reading about new issues in media. She is particularly interested in the ethical issues surrounding children’s online usage.
Media Ethics Initiative Research Scholars earn credits and research experience by working with the Media Ethics Initiative to promote reflection on media ethics among students and faculty at the University of Texas at Austin. They gain valuable skills by assisting the organizing and promotion of Media Ethics Initiative events, as well as by researching and writing case studies in media ethics. Interested UT Austin students can sign up for a 1, 2, or 3 credit internship for the fall or spring semester. For more information on the Media Ethics Initiative Research Scholar program, visit here.