Media Ethics Citizen Scholars are part of the Intellectual Entrepreneurship Pre-Graduate School Internship program at the University of Texas at Austin. This internship is open to students in all UT colleges, schools, and departments. Students can earn 1, 2, or 3 credits (CMS 164M/264M/364M) by participating in the internship program. Citizen Scholars will help the Media Ethics Initiative promote reflection on media ethics at the University of Texas at Austin and beyond (www.mediaethicsinitiative.org).
What activities do Media Ethics Citizen Scholars take part in?
- Scholars attend at least three exciting events on campus discussing media ethics during the semester.
- Scholars work with a graduate student or faculty mentor to design a project connected to issues in communication or media ethics. Examples might include: writing blog posts on pressing topics in media ethics, preparing a research paper, constructing case studies in an area of media ethics, doing original research, and more.
What do Media Ethics Citizen Scholars get from this program?
- Scholars earn the title of “Media Ethics Citizen Scholars,” and will be recognized on the Media Ethics Initiative website.
- Scholars will learn more about the ethical dilemmas and media ethics in an industry of interest.
- Scholars may also be eligible for a Kuhn Intellectual Entrepreneurship Award. This award is designed to encourage first generation and economically disadvantaged undergraduate students to pursue their academic passions and to consider graduate study (funding may be used for: traveling to conferences, potential graduate school visits, research endeavors, supplies, books).
- Scholars from Moody College of Communication and other participating colleges at UT are eligible for travel funds to attend an academic conference with their mentor.
Applications for the Media Ethics Citizen Scholars Program can be submitted at any time in the fall and up the fourth class session in the spring. Submit your internship application: https://moody.utexas.edu/academics/academic-enrichment/intellectual-entrepreneurship-program
For more information on the Media Ethics Citizen Scholars Program, contact: Dr. Scott Stroud, Director of the Media Ethics Initiative
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