Attending ICA ’24? Don’t miss these presentations from our Center for Media Engagement researchers.
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2024
Censorship, Dissent, and Political Expression
10:30 AM.– 11:45 AM
Surfer’s Paradise 3 (Star L3)
Chair: Josephine Lukito (The University of Texas at Austin)
Supporting the Stack: Considerations in the Ongoing Development, Deployment and Maintenance of Computational Communication Research Infrastructure
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Currumbin Boardroom (Star L2)
Chair: Daniel Angus (Queensland U of Technology)
Paper: Data Cooperatives as Research Infrastructure
Discussant: Josephine Lukito (The University of Texas at Austin)
BLUE SKY: What is Media Influence in 2024?
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Coolangatta 3 (Star L3)
Chairs: Gabrielle Beacken (The University of Texas at Austin) and André Rodarte (University of Texas at Austin)
Discussant(s): Sahana Udupa (LMU Munich), Daniel Kreiss (U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Larissa Doroshenko (Northeastern U), Craig Scott (The U of Texas at Austin) and Samuel Woolley (The U of Texas at Austin)
SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2024
Global Communicators: State, Corporation and Citizens
9:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Room 1 (GCCEC Upper)
Chair: Kyungsun Karen Lee (Zayed University)
Paper: Jair Bolsonaro and WhatsApp: A Hybrid Mode of Computational Propaganda to Promote an Insurrection in Brazil
Discussants: Joao V. Seno Ozawa; Josephine Lukito; Samuel Woolley
Computational Methods Research Escalator
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
HALL 3 (GCCEC Ground)
Chair: Christian Baden (The Hebrew U of Jerusalem)
Discussants: Hajo Boomgaarden (U Wien), Xinzhi Zhang (City U of Hong Kong), Josephine Lukito (The University of Texas at Austin), Na Ta (Renmin U of China), Jonathan Zhu (City U of Hong Kong), Magdalena Wojcieszak (U of California, Davis) and S. Shyam Sundar (Pennsylvania State U)
Paper: From Politics to Products: Identifying and Analyzing Advertisements in Far-Right Audio Media
Discussants: Jason Greenfield; Ross Dahlke; Josephine Lukito; Patrick Schwabl; Marvin Stecker; Dror Walter
HYBRID: Social Media and Political Communication
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Room 7 (GCCEC Upper)
Chair: Thomas Johnson (The U of Texas at Austin)
Discussants: Megan Brown; Josephine Lukito; Kaicheng Yang
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024
Elections: Identity, Framing, and Media
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
HALL 4 (GCCEC Ground)
Chair: Shannon McGregor (U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Paper: Does Social Media Level the Political Field or Reinforce Existing Inequalities?: Cartographies of the 2022 Brazilian Election.
Discussants: André K. Rodarte; Josephine Lukito
HYBRID: The Cat-alyst of Connection: Social Media Theorizing
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Arena 2 (GCCEC Ground)
Chair: Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch (University of Connecticut)
Paper: A Multi-Level Framework for Social Media Research
Discussants: Yini Zhang; Jiyoun Suk; Josephine Lukito
Political Candidates and Their Messages
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Room 2 (GCCEC Upper)
Chair: Fabienne Lind (U of Vienna)
Paper: Candidates Be Posting: Multi-Platform Strategies and Partisan Preferences in the 2022 U.S. Midterm Election
Discussants: Bin Chen; Josephine Lukito; Maggie Macdonald; Wei Zhong; Jiyoun Suk; Porismita Borah; Yunkang Yang; Megan Brown; Stephen D. Prochaska; Ross Dahlke; Jason Greenfield
Hostility, Aggression, and Hate in Political Messages
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
HALL 4 (GCCEC Ground)
Chair: Sangwon Lee (New Mexico State U)
Paper: Reclaiming Quality in Political Discussion: Beyond Toxic and Deliberative Language
Discussants: An Hu; Josephine Lukito; Kaiya Soorholtz; Zhi Lin; Christian Artley; Gayoung Jeon; Torie H. Kim; Dariya Tsyrenzhapova; Bin Chen
Political Influencers’ Activism and Social Justice
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Southport 3 (Star L3)
Chair: Moa Eriksson Krutrök (Umea University)
Paper: Embodied Political Influencers: How U.S. Anti-Abortion Actors Co-Opt Narratives of Marginalization
Discussants: Zelly Martin; Gabrielle D. Beacken; Inga Trauthig; Samuel Woolley
Political Communication Special Issue: International Developments in “Multi-Platform Research”
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Surfer’s Paradise 1 (Star L3)
Moderator: Meredith Pruden (Kennesaw State University)
Discussant: Yunkang Yang (Texas A&M U)
Participants: Josephine Lukito (The University of Texas at Austin), Jiyoun Suk (U of Connecticut) and Wei Zhong (New York U)