Catch our CME team members at the American Political Science Association (APSA) conference September 5-8!
Cross-Ideological Diverse Sharing Is Motivated, Not Sincere
3:30 to 4:00pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), Hall A
Yujin Kim, University of Texas at Austin
Candidates Be Postin’: Platform and Partisan Preferences in the 2022 US Midterms
8:00 to 9:30am
Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Franklin 6
Authors: Maggie Macdonald, University of Kentucky; Megan Brown, University of Michigan; Josephine Lukito, University of Texas at Austin; WEI ZHONG, New York University; Ross Dahlke, Stanford University; Jason Greenfield, New York University; Yunkang Yang; Bin Chen, University of Texas at Austin
How QAnon Developed from a Fringe Group to a Digital Surrogate for the GOP
4:00 to 5:30pm
Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Franklin 7
Authors: Josephine Lukito, University of Texas at Austin; Yunkang Yang; Sang Jung Kim, University of Iowa
An Ecosystem Divided? Cross-Platform Election Information Flows
8:00 to 9:30am
Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 502
Authors: Sarah Shugars, Rutgers University; Josephine Lukito, University of Texas at Austin; Meredith Pruden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ross Dahlke, Stanford University; Jiyoun Suk, University of Connecticut; Yini Zhang; Yunkang Yang; Megan Brown, University of Michigan; Bin Chen, University of Texas at Austin; WEI ZHONG, New York University