James Jackson Hayden is a third year student at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in both Communication Studies and Government. He plans to attend law school after completing his undergraduate studies. Jackson is the president of his fraternity and conducts marketing operations for an Austin startup called Loftsmart. Outside of his course work, he enjoys surfing, soccer, and photography. He’s interested in the ethical considerations that contemporary media entails and hopes to study how the evolving ways in which we communicate (such as anonymous online communication, dating sites, etc.) affect our understanding of communication in a contemporary setting as a whole. As a Media Ethics Initiative Citizen Scholar, he would like to examine the ever-changing technological aspects of communication ethics and how they might apply to the legal field.
Media Ethics Initiative Citizen Scholars are part of the Intellectual Entrepreneurship Pre-Graduate School Internship program at the University of Texas at Austin. This internship is open to students in all UT colleges, schools, and departments. Citizen Scholars earn credits and valuable experience by working with the Media Ethics Initiative to promote reflection on media ethics among students and faculty at the University of Texas at Austin. They gain valuable experience by assisting the organizing and promotion of Media Ethics Initiative events, as well as by researching and writing case studies in media ethics. Interested UT Austin students can sign up for a 1, 2, or 3 credit internship for the fall or spring semester. For more information on the Media Ethics Initiative Citizen Scholar program, visit here.